정덕구 NEAR재단 이사장은 美 국제문제전략연구소(CSIS) 연구소의 고위급 연구진 및 미국 현지 분야별 최고 전문가들과 한-미-중 관계에 관하여 심층 라운드테이블을 진행했습니다.
- 주제: The Complexity, Collision, and Interdependence between South Korea, the United States, and China
- 일시: 2023년 10월 25일
- 장소: 미국 워싱턴 CSIS
- 참여자:
Duck Koo Chung
Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the CSIS/ Chairman of the NEAR Foundation
Victor Cha
Senior vice president for Asia and Korea Chair
Erin Murphy
Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, Economics Program
Charles Edel
Senior Adviser and Australia Chair
Christopher Johnstone
Senior Adviser and Japan Chair
William A. Reinsch
Senior Adviser and Scholl Chair in International Business
Nicholas Szechenyi
Senior Fellow, Japan Chair and Deputy Director for Asia
Mikyeong Won
Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE -ROK)
Masaki Numata
Public Security Intelligence Agency (PSIA-JAPAN)
Sangeun Lee
Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA-ROK)
Takayuki Sato
Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC – JAPAN)
Kwangil Noh
Republic of Korea Army (ROKA)
Lydia Chen
China Power Project
Terry Kim
Presidential Security Service of the Republic of Korea
Ellen Kim
Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, Korea Chair

정덕구 NEAR재단 이사장은 美 국제문제전략연구소(CSIS) 연구소의 고위급 연구진 및 미국 현지 분야별 최고 전문가들과 한-미-중 관계에 관하여 심층 라운드테이블을 진행했습니다.
Duck Koo Chung
Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the CSIS/ Chairman of the NEAR Foundation
Victor Cha
Senior vice president for Asia and Korea Chair
Erin Murphy
Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, Economics Program
Charles Edel
Senior Adviser and Australia Chair
Christopher Johnstone
Senior Adviser and Japan Chair
William A. Reinsch
Senior Adviser and Scholl Chair in International Business
Nicholas Szechenyi
Senior Fellow, Japan Chair and Deputy Director for Asia
Mikyeong Won
Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE -ROK)
Masaki Numata
Public Security Intelligence Agency (PSIA-JAPAN)
Sangeun Lee
Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA-ROK)
Takayuki Sato
Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC – JAPAN)
Kwangil Noh
Republic of Korea Army (ROKA)
Lydia Chen
China Power Project
Terry Kim
Presidential Security Service of the Republic of Korea
Ellen Kim
Deputy Director and Senior Fellow, Korea Chair