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美 워싱턴 한미경제연구소(KEI) 정덕구 이사장 강연 "미중 경쟁속 지속가능한 한미 관계" 영상
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the U.S.-Korea alliance. Over the last 70 years, the relationship between the United States and South Korea has expanded to include a robust economic agenda involving climate change, technology, and other issues. However, that relationship has been stressed in recent years by the U.S.-China great power competition. How can the United States and South Korea sustain their relationship over the next decade and beyond? How can South Korea work with the United States in dealing with challenges posed by China? How will domestic politics and the two countries’ economic performance shape the policy options for Washington and Seoul?
Please join KEI for a discussion of these and other issues for the future of U.S.-Korea relations with former South Korean National Assemblyman and former Minister of Commerce, Energy, and Industry Duck Koo Chung.